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Web site contents © Copyright Sohyun Eastham 2011, All rights reserved.

B. Ed. (Music), B. Mus. (Hon), Ph.D.

Sohyun Eastham

.: Welcome to Sohyun Eastham’s Website

Inside this website, you can find information about me, my PhD Thesis (Volume 1 and 2) (The Role of the Violin in Expressing The Musical Ideas of the Romantic Period and the Development of Violin Techniques in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries), Recordings, and links to download them. You will also find information on my book, The Violin and Romanticism, and how to purchase it.

If you would like to know more about my Thesis, or recordings, contact me, or for a physical description and location of the thesis click here.

The release of my first album in 2011 was a reflective album of well-loved hymns. It is called Gentle Whisper. My second album, Journey of the Spirit was released in August 2012.